
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Scarlet Blade Skills Guide

Scarlet Blade Class Skills Guide by joranger

Someone request me to translate this. 
I dunno if this would help you guys, but when CBT is out this post will be useless 
the skill will be ordered by column, left to right 
Or from KR website top to bottom 


*1st column* 
1st skill ; Basic attack, +CRITICAL chance by 1% 
2nd skill ; nothing spacial 
3rd skill ; nothing spacial 
4th skill ; +CRITICAL chance 
5th skill ; STUN, 16m cast range 
6th skill ; decrease target EVASIONFORCE EVASIONPROTECTION 

*2nd column* 
1st skill ; increase aggro, has base force attack 
2nd skill ; AoE, increase aggro, has base force attack 

*3rd column* 
1st skill ; SILENCE+gap-closing, 16m cast range 
2nd skill ; AoE, SILENCE 

*5th column* 
1st skill ; 20m range attack 
2nd skill ; increase aggro 
3rd skill ; AoE, increase aggro 
4th skill ; AoE, decrease enemy PHYSICAL ATTACK 

*6th column* 
1st skill ; increase DEFENSEPROTECTIONMAXHP / continuously drain SP until buff wear off (the buff will not fade away if you run out of SP) 
2nd skill ; increase MOVESPDFORCE RESISTANCE 
3rd skill ; Heal yourself, HP regeneration 
4th skill ; increase DEFENSEPROTECTIONMAXHP / decrease PHYSICAL ATTACK / continuously drain SP until buff wear off (the buff will not fade away if you run out of SP) 
5th skill ; increase MOVESPDPHYSICAL ATTACKCRIT CHANCECRIT DMG / decrease EVASIONDEFENSEPROTECTION / continuously drain HPuntil buff wear off (You will not die from draining process of this buff ) 

1st skill ; increase MAXHP 
2nd skill ; increase MAXSP 
3rd skill ; increase PROTECTION


*1st column* 
1st skill ; basic attack, increase CRITICAL by 1% 
2nd skill ; nothing spacial 
3rd skill ; nothing spacial 
4th skill ; increase CRITICAL 
5th skill ; decrease target DEFENSEPROTECTION 

*2nd column* 
1st skill ; AoE, decrease target DEFENSE 
2nd skill ; AoE, decrease target CRITCAL CHANCE 
3rd skill ; AoE, this skill will increase you force ACCURACYdecrease target RESISTANCE 
4th skill ; range, AoE STUN 

*3rd column* 
1st skill ; AoE, SILENCE 
2nd skill ; AoE(wider than first), SILENCE 

*4th column* 
1st skill ; AoE, BURNING 
2nd skill ; AoE(wider than first), BURNING 

*5th column* 
1st skill ; HOOKSTUN 16m-20m cast range 
2nd skill ; AoE, increase aggro 

*6th column* 
1st skill ; increase DEFENSEPROTECTION 
2nd skill ; increase DEFENSEPROTECTIONFORCE EVASIONFORCE RESISTANCE / decrease MOVESPD / continuously drain SP until buff wear off (the buff will not fade away if you run out of SP) 
3rd skill ; (not sure) AoE,remove STEALTH buff from enemy 

1st skill ; increase MAXHP 
2nd skill ; increase MAXSP 

Shadow Walker 

*1st column* 
1st skill ; basic attack, increase CRITICAL CHANCE by 1% 
2nd skill ; nothing spacial 
3rd skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
4th skill ; greatly increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
5th skill ; nothing spacial 

*2nd column* 
1st skill ; become STEALTH at critain rate 
2nd skill ; usable only STEALTH stance, greatly increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
3rd skill ; IMMOBILIZED+gap-closing, 18m cast range 
4th skill ; (usable in battle)become STEALTH at critain rate, increase MOVESPD 

*3rd column* 
1st skill ; decrease aggro 
2nd skill ; AoE, decrease aggro 

*4th column* 
1st skill ; SILENCE 
2nd skill ; AoE, SILENCE 

*5th column* 
1st skill ; increase MOVESPD 
2nd skill ; increase ACCURACY(both), EVASION(both) 
3rd skill ; increase CRITICAL 

*6th column* 
1st skill ; greatly increase EVASION(both) 
2nd skill ; AoE, STUN 
3rd skill ; teleport 

1st skill ; increase MAXHP 
2nd skill ; increase MAXSP 
3rd skill ; increase STALTH strength 
4th skill ; increase PHYSICAL ACCURACY


*1st column* 
1st skill ; basic attack, increase CRITICAL CHANCE by 1% 
2nd skill ; nothing spacial 
3rd skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
4th skill ; nothing special, high attack damage 
5th skill ; channeling, increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
6th skill ; channeling, greatly increase CRITICAL CHANCE, 25m cast range 

*2nd column* 
1st skill ; melee, STUN 

*3rd column* 
1st skill ; SLOW 
2nd skill ; channeling, AoE, SLOW 

*4th column* 
1st skill ; BURNING 
2nd skill ; AoE, BURNING 

*5th column* 
1st skill ; buff field, increase PROTECTIONPHYSICAL EVASION 
2nd skill ; buff field, increase PHYSICAL ATTACKCRITICAL CHANCE 
3rd skill ; buff field, increase DETECT strength 

*6th column* 
1st skill ; exchange your HP for SP 
2nd skill ; (usable in battle)become STEALTH, increase DEFENSEPROTECTION, dispelled when move or attack 

1st skill ; increase MAXHP 
2nd skill ; increase MAXSP 
3rd skill ; slightly increase PHYSICAL ATTACK


*1st column* 
1st skill ; basic attack, increase CRITICAL CHANCE by 1% 
2nd skill ; nothing spacial 
3rd skill ; nothing special 
4th skill ; slightly decrease target PHYSICAL ATTACK 
5th skill ; decrease target PROTECTION 
6th skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCE 

*2nd column* 
1st skill ; STUN 
2nd skill ; melee, STUN 
3rd skill ; debuff, decrease target DEFENSEPROTECTIONEVASION 

*3rd column* 
1st skill ; has base force attack 
2nd skill ; range, AoE, has base force attack 

*4th column* 
1st skill ; SLOW 
2nd skill ; AoE, SLOW 

*5th column* 
1st skill ; increase MOVESPDDETECT strength / continuously drain SP until buff wear off (the buff will not fade away if you run out of SP) 
2nd skill ; greatly increase MOVESPD 
3rd skill ; increase CRITICAL 
4th skill ; increase PROTECTIONEVASION 

1st skill ; increase MAXHP 
2nd skill ; increase MAXSP 
3rd skill ; increase PHYSICAL ATTACK 
4th skill ; increase DETECT strength


*1st column* 
1st skill ; basic attack, increase CRITICAL CHANCE by 1% 
2nd skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
3rd skill ; nothing special 
4th skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCE 
5th skill ; range, STUN 
6th skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCEgreatly increase CRITICAL DAMAGE 

*2nd column* 
1st skill ; AoE, SLOW 
2nd skill ; IMMOBILIZED 

*3rd column* 
1st skill ; BURNING 
2nd skill ; AoE, BURNING 

*4th column* 
1st skill ; Heal 
2nd skill ; AoE, Heal 
3rd skill ; SELF Heal 
4th skill ; increase target MAXHP, 20min duration 
5th skill ; Resurrect the target with 20% HP, disabled in BG 

*5th column* AoE buff 
1st skill ; increase PHYSICAL ATTACK, 10min duration 
2nd skill ; increase ACCURACY(both), 10min duration 
3rd skill ; increase CRITICAL CHANCE/DAMAGE, 20sec duration 
4th skill ; increase DETECT strength 

*6th column* Single buff, misc. 
1st skill ; increase EVASION 
2nd skill ; increase PROTECTIONFORCE EVASION 
3rd skill ; teleport 
4th skill ; not sure 
5th skill ; greatly increase MOVESPD 

1st skill ; increase MAXHP 
2nd skill ; increase MAXSP[flat] 
3rd skill ; increase MAXSP[%] 
4th skill ; increase MOVESPD


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