Table of Contents
I) Intro
II) Builds
1. PvE Defensive
2. PvE Offensive
3. PvP
4. PvE/PvP Hybrid
5. Build Q&A
6. "Solo Everything" Build
III) Skills List
1. Defender Skills (Including Hidden Effects and Chain Skills)
2. Useful Hybrid Skills
IV) Weapons and Armor
1. One-handed Sword
2. One-handed Mace
3. Armor
4. Gems
5. Weapon Properties
V) Hybridization
1. Defender + Berserker (Impossible at 35)
2. Defender + Cleric (Viable)
3. Defender + Sorcerer (Viable-ish)
VI) PvP Strategies
1. Berserkers (Coming Soon)
2. Clerics (Coming Soon)
3. Sorcerers (Coming Soon)
4. Other Defenders (Coming Soon)
5. Group PvP (Coming Soon)
Hi, my name is StoicRaider, and my character in CBT was Stoic. I completed all events, ran every dungeon, and obtained some of the best gear available in CBT. I (briefly) shared the best time for Epic Master of the Garden in the "I Can Beat That Time" challenge (It was beaten on the last day).
My philosophy is that Defenders hold both support and damage roles, so should focus on getting support skills that most benefit the group as well as damage. I have also included high damage builds, but they still keep this philosophy in mind. I hope that this guide is helpful, and I will update it as I play through OBT.
Here are links to some of my sources:
Korean Calculator Link
Korean Skill List Link
Weapon Profiles Link
Optimization Thread
Class Thread
PvP Combo Example 1, Rush
PvP Combo Example 2, Block
PvP Combo Example 3, Stunning Smash
Thanks, dr3xin (Class Thread) for letting me use your format!
Thanks, ludique, for helping me with the guide!
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
>>> Please refer to my Skill List below if you do not know the names of certain skills. <<<
PvE Defensive
This is my "optimal" Defensive build, which centers around supporting the group and debuffing the boss. This is not meant for PvP.
PvE Rotation:
2) Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->
3) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
4) Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->
5) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
6) Repeat, from 2.
PvE Offensive
This is the build that should do the most damage, while maintaining mobility and the "essence" of a defender (to defend the group). It focuses on increasing the damage of your Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash combo, which does the most damage. This is not meant for PvP.
PvE Rotation:
2) Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->
3) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
4) Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->
5) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
6) Repeat, from 2.
This is my PvP build, which focuses on stuns and works very well for Group PvP and Duels. I do not get any block passives because it is very hard to successfully block in PvP!!! Instead, I have built up a few damage-reducing abilities for the initial burst of a fight, and your damage will be through the roof!
PvP Priority System:
1) If you are stunned, use Evasive Strike.
2) At ranged, use your instant Sorcerer spells to do damage and catch the target.
3) If they are slow (or if you think you can hit them), use:
Rush->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Rapid Blasts.
4) If they are running to you to attack, use Bastion->Block->
Dodge/Run if they did not attack (they are being sneaky)
OR, if you blocked, use:
Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Blasts.
PvE/PvP Hybrid
With this build, you can do both PvE and PvP well. You must build up some skill to make up for less damage on certain hits. I recommend this for players who are able to handle a lot of buttons and like sticking to one character for the whole game. This build has as many stuns and flinches as the PvP build, but does less damage. It is also very effective in PvE, but your group will do much less damage. Do not forget that Massive Strike provides dodge frames!
PvE Rotation:
2) Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
3) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
4) Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
5) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
6) Repeat, from 2.
PvP Priority System:
1) If you are stunned, use Evasive Strike.
2) At ranged, use your instant Sorcerer spells to do damage and catch the target.
3) If they are slow (or if you think you can hit them), use:
Rush->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Rapid Blasts->Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike.
4) If they are running to you to attack, use Bastion->Block->
Dodge/Run if they did not attack (they are being sneaky)
OR, if you blocked, use:
Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Blasts->Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike.
Build Q&A
Q: Can you show me some examples of a PvP combo?
A: Yes. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3.
Q: Why Ice Arrow?
A: Defenders have no ranged attack, so I picked up Ice Arrow to pull mobs and to harass in PvP.
Q: Why Ice Thorns?
A: For PvP. It is an instant ranged slow; very nice since Defenders have a lot of trouble chasing.
Q: Why Rapid Blasts?
A: It has a deceptively long range, and is a very effective flinch for PvP against anyone. It helps a lot for setting up your Rush Combo. Thanks, ludique.
Q: Why 3/3 Piercing Strike?
A: Piercing Strike decreases the defense of a mob, and the debuff should also help the rest of the group do more damage. This is about 2-4% more damage for the whole group at level 1, about 2-5% at level 2, and about 3-6% at level 3 (Per stack, per my testing, depending on Defense of the target), so it is very helpful.
Q: Why not Cyclone Strike?
A: Used as part of a combo in PvE, it is too slow. 10% attack speed will not change the number of hits you can sneak in at all on a boss fight, or in PvP. It does flinch once, but the flinch is not long enough to continue a combo. Its benefits are also offset by its large stamina cost. I felt that I needed an extra 2 points in Chaotic Strike before I could get just 1 point in Cyclone Strike. Putting those 3 points in Strike of Ruin yields higher damage.
Q: Why 3/3 Rush for PvP?
A: Rush provides a stun at level 3, which is very helpful for landing Stunning Smash and Rapid Assault.
Q: Why bother getting Steel Wall (Tier 7 skill after Impact Recovery)?
A: It reduces damage by a large amount, and its small range means it was meant for those in melee range of a boss (Defenders and Berserkers).
Q: Why only 1/3 in Chaotic Strike? It is so good!!!
A: I do not feel the need for the extra 20 stamina; I move around and use normal attacks rather than constantly defending or using skills, so I regain enough over time. If you really want to make it 3/3, you will severely cut your possible damage. Instead, gem for Stamina, and learn to auto-attack. Its main purpose is to give you a quick, free combo.
This build goes against my philosophy, but if you want to solo everything in the game, then this build is for you. It excels at dueling andsoloing bosses, but barely increases group damage, and does not increase group defense at all. Use this build if you like the sound of "Or Die Alone".

PvE Rotation:
2) Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
3) Rapid Assault/Rush->
4) Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
5) Rapid Assault/Rush->
6) Repeat, from 2.
PvP Priority System:
1) If you are stunned, use Evasive Strike.
2) At ranged, use your instant Sorcerer spells to do damage and catch the target.
3) If they are slow (or if you think you can hit them), use:
Rush->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Rapid Blasts.
4) If they are running to you to attack, use Bastion->Block->
Dodge/Run if they did not attack (they are being sneaky)
OR, if you blocked, use:
Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Blasts.
Skill List
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
Korean Calculator Link
Defender Skills (Including hidden effects and Chain Skills)
First, we will talk about skill chains. Skill chains are sets of moves that can be used immediately after each other, cutting off parts of each skill animation and therefore making the chain faster. They can also be set to 1 button, and by spamming the button for the first skill in the chain, you will perform the next skill, and then the next skill, etc.
Defenders have 2 skill chains, which I labeled A and B.
Tier 1
Strike of Ruin (A1)
Deals damage equal to 130/170/210/250/300% of Physical Attack. If the attack is successful, the critical hit rate of your next melee attack is increased by 20/40/60/80/100%.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 Seconds
Cost: 25/24/23/22/21 Stamina
Stunning Smash (A2)
Deals damage equal to 200/230/260/290/320% of Physical Attack and interrupts the enemy's attack.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 Seconds
Cost: 20/19/18/17/16 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable, and can be used while blocking.
Bashes the enemy twice, dealing damage equal to 70/80/90% of Physical Attack with each strike and immobilizing the enemy for 1 second. If the Counterattack focus has been learned, this skill also triggers Counterattack.
Hidden Effect: At level 3, stuns the target.
Cooldown: 14/13/12 Seconds
Cost: 20/18/16 Stamina
Effects: At level 2 & 3, can be used while blocking.
One-Handed Weapon Mastery
Increases Physical Attack by 2/4/6/8/10% while wielding a one-handed sword or mace.
Tier 2
Massive Strike
Deals damage equal to 290/350/410/480/550% of Physical Attack and knocks the enemy down. Removes the Counterattack effect.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Cost: 35/34/33/32/31 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable
Restores 2% of Maximum Health every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Removes the Counterattack effect.
Cooldown: 60/50/40 Seconds
Cost: 100 Energy
Tier 3
Piercing Strike (B2)
Deals damage equal to 120/130/140% of Physical Attack, and reduces the enemys Defense by 6/8/10% for 23 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Approximate Bonus: 2-4% / 2-5% / 3-6% more damage per stack, per person.
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Cost: 25/24/23 Stamina
Rapid Assault
Deals damage equal to 120/130/140% of Physical Attack and stuns the enemy for 2/2.5/3 seconds. This skill does not remove Counterattack.
Hidden Effect: Renews Counterattack.
Cooldown: 10/9/8 Seconds
Cost: 15/14/13 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable
Fortifying Shout
Increases Stamina recovery speed of nearby party members by 15/20/25% for 1 minute. Shares a cooldown with other shout skills.
Cooldown: 1 Minute
Cost: 80 Energy
Defense Mastery
Increases the chance to fully block attacks by 7/14/21% and increases the amount of damage prevented by partial blocks by 10/20/30%.
Tier 4
Chaotic Strike (B1)
Deals damage equal to 120/140/160% of Physical Attack and immobilizes the enemy. Instantly restores 30/40/50 Stamina.
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Focuses energy and strikes the enemy down, dealing damage equal to 300/350/400/450/500% of the enemys physical attack power. Removes the Counterattack Effect.
Hidden Effect: Overrides other stuns and knockdowns.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Cost: 30/29/28/27/26 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable
For 4/6/8 seconds, damage received is reduced by 10% and you are able to defend against unblockable attacks.
Cooldown: 45 Seconds
Cost: 50 Energy
Tier 5
Shield Slam (A3)
Deals damage equal to 240/290/340/400/470% of Physical Attack and knocks the enemy down. Can only be used after Stunning Smash.
Hidden Effect: Produces a large amount of threat, forcing the target to attack you.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 3 Seconds
Cost: 25/24/23/22/21
Effects: Unblockable
Encouraging Shout
Increases Energy recovery speed of nearby party members by 15/20/25% for 1 minute. Shares a cooldown with other shout skills.
Cooldown: 1 Minute
Cost: 80 Energy
Restores 3/6 Stamina every 2 seconds for 4 seconds after you successfully block an attack. Also causes the Comeback skill to restore 4 Stamina every 2 seconds. This effect does not stack with that granted by Defense Mastery.
Tier 6
Cyclone Strike (B3)
Deals damage equal to 140/160/180/200/220% of Physical Attack and increases attack speed by 10/15/20/25/30% for 10 seconds.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Evasive Strike
Removes immobilization effects and deals damage equal to 140% of Physical Attack. If it hits, this skill also triggers Counterattack.
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
Impact Recovery (aka Impact Deflection at rank 2)
Reduces melee damage taken by party members by 25/30/35%. Lasts for 20 seconds or until the party member is hit 3 times.
Cooldown: 60/55/50 Seconds
Cost: 80 Energy
Tier 7
Steel Wall
Reduces damage taken by party members within 3.5m by 30/40/50%. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 5/4/3 Minutes
Cost: 100 Energy
Threatens enemies within a 6 meter radius, reducing their Physical and Magic Attack by 30% and reduces their movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 40/36/32 Seconds
Cost: 100 Energy
After a successful defense, the Physical Attack power of your next attack is increased by 20/40% and your movement speed is increased by 10% for 8 seconds.
Increases Physical and Magic Attack by 10% for 10/12/14 seconds and allows the use of additional skills. Triggered by a full block or hit with the Rush skill.
Physical Training
Incoming damage is reduced by 2/4/6%.
Extended Counterattack
Increases the duration of Counterattack by 2/4 Seconds.
Useful Hybrid Skills
These are useful skills that you can obtain on the first or second row of another tree, though I recommend not investing too many points into others because a defenders best skills are at the end of its own tree.
Ice Arrow (Sorcerer Tree)
Instant ranged attack, very useful for pulling mobs and hitting enemies that are far away.
Ice Thorns (Sorcerer Tree)
Instant mid-ranged 30% slow; great for slowing enemies that you cant reach, and also sets them up for your Rush attack.
Rapid Blasts (Sorcerer Tree)
Instant flinch with a deceptively long range; great for setting up your Rush combo in PvP.
Revitalize (Cleric Tree)
Self-heal. Note: Benefits from Counterattack, since Counterattack provides Magic Attack.
Heal (Cleric Tree)
Healing for you and your group! Also benefits from Counterattack!
Blessing of Endurance (Cleric Tree)
Buffs for the group; it really does add a lot.
Weapons and Armor
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
Weapon Profiles Link
At the moment, I prefer using a Sword/Shield, with a Mace/Shield in Secondary. Read on to learn why.
One-handed Sword
Swords provide Agility and Crit, which increase your damage. It also allows you to use Sorcerer spells. I prefer swords because I am able to use Ice Arrow, Ice Thorns, and Rapid Blasts without switching weapons. If you plan to use sorcerer spells or want to add damage to your rotation, then use a Sword, and weapon-switch when you want to use Cleric spells. Otherwise, I recommend using a Mace.
One-handed Mace
Maces provide Vitality and Intelligence, which increase health and healing. It also allows you to use Cleric spells. If you do not use any sorcerer spells, I recommend using a mace. This is great to have in your offhand because you can use it to heal with a cleric spell, but keep the ability to use Defender skills.
As a defender, you will be at the forefront of a fight; defending against all enemy attacks. Most mobs use Physical damage, so you need to defend against that first.
Plate provides Vitality and the highest Physical Defense in the game, but it also has the lowest Magical Defense.
Chain provides Strength, lesser Vitality than Plate, and has the second highest Physical Defense.
Leather provides Agility and has the second highest Magical Defense.
Cloth provides Intelligence and has the highest Magical Defense in the game.
As you can see, Plate provides the best defense against mobs in dungeons. There are some fights (Like Epic Basteroe) where you want to use Cloth because it provides much higher Magical Defense than Plate. For PvP, you may decide to use Chain because it increases your damage, while Leather/Cloth will be very good for Magical Duels because it increases your magic resistance much more than Plate or Chain, and provides a little damage at the same time.
TLDR: Use Plate
Gems are largely left to player choice, and it is not obvious which ones are the best.
Stamina gems are by far the most helpful. So far, I've only seen them available for boots; make sure you get one. If they're available for other armor slots, get them too.
Otherwise, you have some choices for your other armor based on your orientation: Defensive, or Offensive.
Vitality: Adds health, magic attack, and attack. Balanced, and gives the highest overall bonus; The best choice for PvP in my opinion.
Health: Adds only health; more defensive than the Vitality gem.
Strength: Adds only attack; more offensive than the Vitality gem.
In conclusion, Stamina gems are the most helpful, followed by Health gems for PvE, and Vitality gems for PvP.
Weapon Properties
This is a little technical, but just in case people want to know, here is some data on weapon arcs, animations, and status identification resets.This information is the same for both the Shortsword and the Mace. For more information, see Duckies Thread.
Damage Fields
Normal Attacks (Left Click & Most Skills): ~35 degree arc damage cone.
Gap Making Attack (S + Left Click & Evasive Strike): ~45 degree arc damage cone.
Gap Closer Attack (W + Left Click & Some Skills): ~35 degree damage line.
Animation Lock-Out
Normal Attacks (Left Click): ~0.05 - ~0.25
Gap Making Attack (S + Left Click): ~0.25 - ~0.30
Gap Closer attack (W + Left Click): ~0.45 - ~0.50
Skills: N/A
During this time, you are completely vulnerable to everything that you will encounter, with the exception of Gap Maker attacks which have a few inherent invulnerability frames.
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
Defender + Berserker
Tested and deemed unworthy.
Defenders do not benefit from the Berserker tree except for the Outrage focus, and for both PvP and PvE, the level 35 Defender spells are more important.
Berserkers do not benefit from the Defender tree except for the Counterattack focus. A 5 Def/ 30 Ber Build was the only possible build that could yield a higher dps than a normal Berserker on paper, but with a weapon switch required in the rotation, the DPS sharply dropped for all possible fights.
Testing suggests that a Defender + Berserker Hybrid is currently impossible at level 35 for both PvP and PvE.
Defender + Cleric
Tested for both PvP and PvE, and both are actually viable, but require a lot of skill.
PvE Only:
Benefits: You can be both the tank and the healer, allowing you to pick up another DPS.
Drawbacks: You do no damage, and heal less than a normal Cleric.
Weapons: Mace/Shield, Staff Offhand
Armor: Chain with Int, Plate otherwise.
Gems: Int or Health
2) Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
3) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
4) Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
5) If you have not blocked: Rapid Assault/Rush->
6) Repeat, from 2.
PvP Priority System:
1) If you are stunned, use Evasive Strike.
2) At ranged, use your instant Sorcerer spells to do damage and catch the target.
3) If they are slow (or if you think you can hit them), use:
Rush->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Rapid Blasts->Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike.
4) If they are running to you to attack, use Bastion->Block->
Dodge/Run if they did not attack (they are being sneaky)
OR, if you blocked, use:
Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Blasts->Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike.
Build Q&A
Q: Can you show me some examples of a PvP combo?
A: Yes. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3.
Q: Why Ice Arrow?
A: Defenders have no ranged attack, so I picked up Ice Arrow to pull mobs and to harass in PvP.
Q: Why Ice Thorns?
A: For PvP. It is an instant ranged slow; very nice since Defenders have a lot of trouble chasing.
Q: Why Rapid Blasts?
A: It has a deceptively long range, and is a very effective flinch for PvP against anyone. It helps a lot for setting up your Rush Combo. Thanks, ludique.
Q: Why 3/3 Piercing Strike?
A: Piercing Strike decreases the defense of a mob, and the debuff should also help the rest of the group do more damage. This is about 2-4% more damage for the whole group at level 1, about 2-5% at level 2, and about 3-6% at level 3 (Per stack, per my testing, depending on Defense of the target), so it is very helpful.
Q: Why not Cyclone Strike?
A: Used as part of a combo in PvE, it is too slow. 10% attack speed will not change the number of hits you can sneak in at all on a boss fight, or in PvP. It does flinch once, but the flinch is not long enough to continue a combo. Its benefits are also offset by its large stamina cost. I felt that I needed an extra 2 points in Chaotic Strike before I could get just 1 point in Cyclone Strike. Putting those 3 points in Strike of Ruin yields higher damage.
Q: Why 3/3 Rush for PvP?
A: Rush provides a stun at level 3, which is very helpful for landing Stunning Smash and Rapid Assault.
Q: Why bother getting Steel Wall (Tier 7 skill after Impact Recovery)?
A: It reduces damage by a large amount, and its small range means it was meant for those in melee range of a boss (Defenders and Berserkers).
Q: Why only 1/3 in Chaotic Strike? It is so good!!!
A: I do not feel the need for the extra 20 stamina; I move around and use normal attacks rather than constantly defending or using skills, so I regain enough over time. If you really want to make it 3/3, you will severely cut your possible damage. Instead, gem for Stamina, and learn to auto-attack. Its main purpose is to give you a quick, free combo.
This build goes against my philosophy, but if you want to solo everything in the game, then this build is for you. It excels at dueling andsoloing bosses, but barely increases group damage, and does not increase group defense at all. Use this build if you like the sound of "Or Die Alone".
PvE Rotation:
2) Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
3) Rapid Assault/Rush->
4) Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->Massive Strike/Slam (If available)
5) Rapid Assault/Rush->
6) Repeat, from 2.
PvP Priority System:
1) If you are stunned, use Evasive Strike.
2) At ranged, use your instant Sorcerer spells to do damage and catch the target.
3) If they are slow (or if you think you can hit them), use:
Rush->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Rapid Blasts.
4) If they are running to you to attack, use Bastion->Block->
Dodge/Run if they did not attack (they are being sneaky)
OR, if you blocked, use:
Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rush->Rapid Assault->Slam->Strike of Ruin->Stunning Smash->Shield Slam->Rapid Blasts.
Skill List
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
Korean Calculator Link
Defender Skills (Including hidden effects and Chain Skills)
First, we will talk about skill chains. Skill chains are sets of moves that can be used immediately after each other, cutting off parts of each skill animation and therefore making the chain faster. They can also be set to 1 button, and by spamming the button for the first skill in the chain, you will perform the next skill, and then the next skill, etc.
Defenders have 2 skill chains, which I labeled A and B.
Tier 1
Strike of Ruin (A1)
Deals damage equal to 130/170/210/250/300% of Physical Attack. If the attack is successful, the critical hit rate of your next melee attack is increased by 20/40/60/80/100%.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 Seconds
Cost: 25/24/23/22/21 Stamina
Stunning Smash (A2)
Deals damage equal to 200/230/260/290/320% of Physical Attack and interrupts the enemy's attack.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 Seconds
Cost: 20/19/18/17/16 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable, and can be used while blocking.
Bashes the enemy twice, dealing damage equal to 70/80/90% of Physical Attack with each strike and immobilizing the enemy for 1 second. If the Counterattack focus has been learned, this skill also triggers Counterattack.
Hidden Effect: At level 3, stuns the target.
Cooldown: 14/13/12 Seconds
Cost: 20/18/16 Stamina
Effects: At level 2 & 3, can be used while blocking.
One-Handed Weapon Mastery
Increases Physical Attack by 2/4/6/8/10% while wielding a one-handed sword or mace.
Tier 2
Massive Strike
Deals damage equal to 290/350/410/480/550% of Physical Attack and knocks the enemy down. Removes the Counterattack effect.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Cost: 35/34/33/32/31 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable
Restores 2% of Maximum Health every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Removes the Counterattack effect.
Cooldown: 60/50/40 Seconds
Cost: 100 Energy
Tier 3
Piercing Strike (B2)
Deals damage equal to 120/130/140% of Physical Attack, and reduces the enemys Defense by 6/8/10% for 23 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Approximate Bonus: 2-4% / 2-5% / 3-6% more damage per stack, per person.
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Cost: 25/24/23 Stamina
Rapid Assault
Deals damage equal to 120/130/140% of Physical Attack and stuns the enemy for 2/2.5/3 seconds. This skill does not remove Counterattack.
Hidden Effect: Renews Counterattack.
Cooldown: 10/9/8 Seconds
Cost: 15/14/13 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable
Fortifying Shout
Increases Stamina recovery speed of nearby party members by 15/20/25% for 1 minute. Shares a cooldown with other shout skills.
Cooldown: 1 Minute
Cost: 80 Energy
Defense Mastery
Increases the chance to fully block attacks by 7/14/21% and increases the amount of damage prevented by partial blocks by 10/20/30%.
Tier 4
Chaotic Strike (B1)
Deals damage equal to 120/140/160% of Physical Attack and immobilizes the enemy. Instantly restores 30/40/50 Stamina.
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Focuses energy and strikes the enemy down, dealing damage equal to 300/350/400/450/500% of the enemys physical attack power. Removes the Counterattack Effect.
Hidden Effect: Overrides other stuns and knockdowns.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Cost: 30/29/28/27/26 Stamina
Effects: Unblockable
For 4/6/8 seconds, damage received is reduced by 10% and you are able to defend against unblockable attacks.
Cooldown: 45 Seconds
Cost: 50 Energy
Tier 5
Shield Slam (A3)
Deals damage equal to 240/290/340/400/470% of Physical Attack and knocks the enemy down. Can only be used after Stunning Smash.
Hidden Effect: Produces a large amount of threat, forcing the target to attack you.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 3 Seconds
Cost: 25/24/23/22/21
Effects: Unblockable
Encouraging Shout
Increases Energy recovery speed of nearby party members by 15/20/25% for 1 minute. Shares a cooldown with other shout skills.
Cooldown: 1 Minute
Cost: 80 Energy
Restores 3/6 Stamina every 2 seconds for 4 seconds after you successfully block an attack. Also causes the Comeback skill to restore 4 Stamina every 2 seconds. This effect does not stack with that granted by Defense Mastery.
Tier 6
Cyclone Strike (B3)
Deals damage equal to 140/160/180/200/220% of Physical Attack and increases attack speed by 10/15/20/25/30% for 10 seconds.
Hidden Effect: Provides dodge frames.
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Cost: 20 Stamina
Evasive Strike
Removes immobilization effects and deals damage equal to 140% of Physical Attack. If it hits, this skill also triggers Counterattack.
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Cost: 10 Stamina
Impact Recovery (aka Impact Deflection at rank 2)
Reduces melee damage taken by party members by 25/30/35%. Lasts for 20 seconds or until the party member is hit 3 times.
Cooldown: 60/55/50 Seconds
Cost: 80 Energy
Tier 7
Steel Wall
Reduces damage taken by party members within 3.5m by 30/40/50%. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 5/4/3 Minutes
Cost: 100 Energy
Threatens enemies within a 6 meter radius, reducing their Physical and Magic Attack by 30% and reduces their movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 40/36/32 Seconds
Cost: 100 Energy
After a successful defense, the Physical Attack power of your next attack is increased by 20/40% and your movement speed is increased by 10% for 8 seconds.
Increases Physical and Magic Attack by 10% for 10/12/14 seconds and allows the use of additional skills. Triggered by a full block or hit with the Rush skill.
Physical Training
Incoming damage is reduced by 2/4/6%.
Extended Counterattack
Increases the duration of Counterattack by 2/4 Seconds.
Useful Hybrid Skills
These are useful skills that you can obtain on the first or second row of another tree, though I recommend not investing too many points into others because a defenders best skills are at the end of its own tree.
Ice Arrow (Sorcerer Tree)
Instant ranged attack, very useful for pulling mobs and hitting enemies that are far away.
Ice Thorns (Sorcerer Tree)
Instant mid-ranged 30% slow; great for slowing enemies that you cant reach, and also sets them up for your Rush attack.
Rapid Blasts (Sorcerer Tree)
Instant flinch with a deceptively long range; great for setting up your Rush combo in PvP.
Revitalize (Cleric Tree)
Self-heal. Note: Benefits from Counterattack, since Counterattack provides Magic Attack.
Heal (Cleric Tree)
Healing for you and your group! Also benefits from Counterattack!
Blessing of Endurance (Cleric Tree)
Buffs for the group; it really does add a lot.
Weapons and Armor
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
Weapon Profiles Link
At the moment, I prefer using a Sword/Shield, with a Mace/Shield in Secondary. Read on to learn why.
One-handed Sword
Swords provide Agility and Crit, which increase your damage. It also allows you to use Sorcerer spells. I prefer swords because I am able to use Ice Arrow, Ice Thorns, and Rapid Blasts without switching weapons. If you plan to use sorcerer spells or want to add damage to your rotation, then use a Sword, and weapon-switch when you want to use Cleric spells. Otherwise, I recommend using a Mace.
One-handed Mace
Maces provide Vitality and Intelligence, which increase health and healing. It also allows you to use Cleric spells. If you do not use any sorcerer spells, I recommend using a mace. This is great to have in your offhand because you can use it to heal with a cleric spell, but keep the ability to use Defender skills.
As a defender, you will be at the forefront of a fight; defending against all enemy attacks. Most mobs use Physical damage, so you need to defend against that first.
Plate provides Vitality and the highest Physical Defense in the game, but it also has the lowest Magical Defense.
Chain provides Strength, lesser Vitality than Plate, and has the second highest Physical Defense.
Leather provides Agility and has the second highest Magical Defense.
Cloth provides Intelligence and has the highest Magical Defense in the game.
As you can see, Plate provides the best defense against mobs in dungeons. There are some fights (Like Epic Basteroe) where you want to use Cloth because it provides much higher Magical Defense than Plate. For PvP, you may decide to use Chain because it increases your damage, while Leather/Cloth will be very good for Magical Duels because it increases your magic resistance much more than Plate or Chain, and provides a little damage at the same time.
TLDR: Use Plate
Gems are largely left to player choice, and it is not obvious which ones are the best.
Stamina gems are by far the most helpful. So far, I've only seen them available for boots; make sure you get one. If they're available for other armor slots, get them too.
Otherwise, you have some choices for your other armor based on your orientation: Defensive, or Offensive.
Vitality: Adds health, magic attack, and attack. Balanced, and gives the highest overall bonus; The best choice for PvP in my opinion.
Health: Adds only health; more defensive than the Vitality gem.
Strength: Adds only attack; more offensive than the Vitality gem.
In conclusion, Stamina gems are the most helpful, followed by Health gems for PvE, and Vitality gems for PvP.
Weapon Properties
This is a little technical, but just in case people want to know, here is some data on weapon arcs, animations, and status identification resets.This information is the same for both the Shortsword and the Mace. For more information, see Duckies Thread.
Damage Fields
Normal Attacks (Left Click & Most Skills): ~35 degree arc damage cone.
Gap Making Attack (S + Left Click & Evasive Strike): ~45 degree arc damage cone.
Gap Closer Attack (W + Left Click & Some Skills): ~35 degree damage line.
Animation Lock-Out
Normal Attacks (Left Click): ~0.05 - ~0.25
Gap Making Attack (S + Left Click): ~0.25 - ~0.30
Gap Closer attack (W + Left Click): ~0.45 - ~0.50
Skills: N/A
During this time, you are completely vulnerable to everything that you will encounter, with the exception of Gap Maker attacks which have a few inherent invulnerability frames.
>>> All information is subject to change upon release of OB <<<
Defender + Berserker
Tested and deemed unworthy.
Defenders do not benefit from the Berserker tree except for the Outrage focus, and for both PvP and PvE, the level 35 Defender spells are more important.
Berserkers do not benefit from the Defender tree except for the Counterattack focus. A 5 Def/ 30 Ber Build was the only possible build that could yield a higher dps than a normal Berserker on paper, but with a weapon switch required in the rotation, the DPS sharply dropped for all possible fights.
Testing suggests that a Defender + Berserker Hybrid is currently impossible at level 35 for both PvP and PvE.
Defender + Cleric
Tested for both PvP and PvE, and both are actually viable, but require a lot of skill.
PvE Only:
Benefits: You can be both the tank and the healer, allowing you to pick up another DPS.
Drawbacks: You do no damage, and heal less than a normal Cleric.
Weapons: Mace/Shield, Staff Offhand
Armor: Chain with Int, Plate otherwise.
Gems: Int or Health
23 Defender/12 Cleric: Tank/Healer PvE Only

Priority System:
1) Keep your group alive with heals.
2) Keep the boss taunted with Stunning Smash->Shield Slam, and do not forget to block.
3) Keep Piercing Strike on the boss.
4) Use Rush or Block to keep up Counterattack, which boosts healing and damage.
5) Use Encouraging Shout and Focused Strike often to keep your mana up.
Why it is viable:
By filling 2 roles, your group can pick up an extra DPS, and this will increase your average damage over the normal group. Unfortunately, this hybrid is very hard to play because you must heal your group from melee range and also keep aggro with the boss. If you cannot play both tank and healer correctly, then your group might not benefit from the extra DPS at all. Fortunately, if your group is good (meaning they minimize damage to themselves), then playing this hybrid is very easy.
PvP, and healer-only PvE:
Benefits: Heals with stuns! Can be more effective than the normal Cleric in PvP.
Drawbacks: You do not heal as much as normal Clerics, and you do not have as many stuns as normal Defenders. You also deal low damage.
Weapons: Mace/Shield, Staff Offhand
Armor: Chain with Int, otherwise Plate vs Melee. Cloth vs Caster.
Gems: Int, Health, Charm/M Defense, or P Defense.
17 Defender/18 Cleric: Healer PvP & PvE

Priority System:
1) Do not Die; Run around; Stun stuff; Heal Stuff.
2) If they get into melee range, Bastion->Block->Rush->Stunning Smash->Chaotic Strike->Piercing Strike->Healing Strike->Focused Strike->Divine Punishment->Rapid Assault->Massive Strike->Ranged Cleric Spells
3) When you have around 50-60% mana, use your 24% mana cooldown.
4) At range, use your ranged Cleric spells.
Why it is viable:
Clerics only have one hard stun, and one escape skill for Berserkers. This build provides stuns, and also ways to defend against Berserkers. This build should yield a better result than the normal Cleric build in PvP.
Other builds involving 5 Defender/30 Cleric are also viable because the Counterattack focus will increase a Clerics healing by almost 10%. The defender part of the build would be 1/5 Strike of Ruin, 1/5 Stunning Smash, 1/3 Rush, and 2/5 One-Handed Mastery.
Defender + Sorcerer
Tested for PvE DPS, and my "hybrid" builds are the only ones I felt were good enough. A 5 Defender/30 Sorcerer build can also be viable because Counterattack focus will increase your damage by almost 10%. The defender part of the build would be 1/5 Strike of Ruin, 1/5 Stunning Smash, 1/3 Rush, and 2/5 One-Handed Mastery.
Tested for PvP, and the escape skills in each tree are too good to pass-up. This hybrid is deemed unworthy for PvP at level 35; not counting my "hybrid" builds above.
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