Huge impact in team's survivability and performance
Very High Sustain with acceptable DPS
High customizability and gear choices
DisadvantagesSmall DPS in comparison to the other classes
Requires a group to level quickly
Patience is key, and will be greatly rewarded
Considerations to take noteThis Build is guide in PvE Oriented.
In Cbt; you cant PvP after level 29 (PvP oriented builds serves no purpose end-game)
Leveling would be slow and painful (Partying helps)

Weapon and Armor
Recommended leveling gear
Chain set
Focus on high physical attack and survivability.
As a pure support/healer, you lack any DPS Skills.
Most of your dmg comes from auto-attacking with the occasional FocusedStrike/HealingStrike.
Keep a high uptime on your character. Heals(switch to staff), Food and Water helps when leveling.
Recommended end-game gear:
Master Garden HC:
Intel Chain gear with Staff
Cata HC:
Cursed Cloth Quetzal gear with Staff
Focus on high magic attk
High Intel gear is recommended
*Will provide more info and pictures soon*
*Not Completed*
Guide Version
v1.2 - Edited Weapon and Armor
v1.1 - Skill Build Added
v1.0 - Guide Created
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